This highly shear stable fluid is designed specifically for passenger car manual transmissions. Formulated with a mineral oil base and mild-EP additives, MTF 94 is not designed around a specific SAE viscosity grade classification, but approximates to SAE 75W-80. Customer benefits 2012-02-13 Texaco har funnits i Sverige sedan 1921. Produkterna tillverkas i Göteborg och säljs centralt av Preem och lokalt av certifierade återförsäljare. Vi har ett komplett sortiment av smörjmedel för olika tillämpningar i både motorer och maskiner.

Texaco mtf 94

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Flest användare online var 505 2019-02-27, 23:36. Inköpsställe Texaco MTF-94 i Skåne. 3 inlägg • Sida 1 av 1. Inköpsställe Texaco MTF-94 i Skåne.

Den kostar 140kr/lit.

Michael. Rapporteren. Anonymous avatar  API: GL-4 +; FIAT: 9.55550-MX3; FIAT: 9.55550-MZ1; FORD: ESD-M2C186-A; FORD: WSD-M2C200-D; GM: 1940182; GM: 1940768; HONDA: MTF 94. Ulei pentru cutie viteze manuala Texaco MTF 94, 75W80, GL4, 1L de la magazine cu 100% calificative pozitive si livrare din stoc.

Texaco mtf 94

På forumet framgår det, liksom i litteraturen, att det skall vara Texaco MTF 94.

Texaco mtf 94

Basically it is a light gear lube = to 10-30 wt and 30wt motor oils. Remember 90wt. gear lube is equal in wt to approx 30 MTF 94 is a proven performance multigrade manual transmission oil. This highly shear stable fluid is designed specifically for passenger car manual transmissions. Formulated with a mineral oil base and mild-EP additives, MTF 94 is not designed around a specific SAE viscosity grade classification, but approximates to SAE 75W-80. Customer benefits 2016-06-15 Texaco MTF 94 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Texaco MTF 94 Land rover defender Gearbox oil 2012-02-13 2010-10-04 MTF 94 is a proven performance multigrade manual transmission oil.
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140 516. Synchromesh MTF from 7/ 2004 production Getrag. 252 5-speed and 285 6-speed.
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Formulated with a mineral oil base and mild-EP additives, MTF 94 is not designed around a specific SAE viscosity grade classification, but approximates to SAE 75W-80. Customer benefits MTF 94 is a proven performance multigrade manual transmission oil.

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Cena s DPH 12,32 € Skladem  Texaco Texaco MTF 94 - это всесезонное трансмиссионное масло, на практике подтвердившее свою высокую эффективность. Этот стабильный на   Olej převodový, balení 1 litr, specifikace: SAE 75W-80, API GL-4, Rover Group MTF-94, R380, PG1 & H gearbox approvals, Honda MTF-7289, MG PG1… Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Gear Oil Texaco Rover MTF 94 1l at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many  GEAR OIL TEXACO ROVER MTF 94 1L. Nuovo. EUR 30,44. Spedizione gratis. da Lituania.

Ursa Ultra XLE) Delo 400 XLE HD SAE 5W-30 (ers. Texaco MTF 94 Specifikace : API GL-4, Rover Group MTF-94; R380, PG1 & H gearbox approvals Honda MTF-7289 MG PG1 gearbox approval Texaco MTF 94: Speciální kapalina pro manuální převodovky vyrobená z vysoce kvalitních základových olejů.Byla vyvinuta především pro převodovky vozů společnosti Rover Group, Land Rover a Honda vyžadující kapaliny odpovídající specifikace. TEXACO Vaihteistoöljy ROVER MTF 94 1L. Tämä tuote ei ole tällä hetkellä käytettävissä.

Texaco MTF 94 presenta unas excelentes características de fricción gracias a la Il Texaco MTF 94 è un fluido di eccellenti prestazioni per trasmissioni manuali, specificatamente sviluppato per soddisfare le esigenze di lubrificazione delle trasmissioni di autovetture con motori di elevata potenza. Texaco MTF-94 has a viscosity of about 10.5 (at 100C) with a hearty detergent and ZDDP anti-wear additive package. It's available in 20 liter cans. It's used Midlands transmissions, early 1st gen with Getrag, and later Getrag with LSD. Redline's MTL is quite similar and a good substitute. This topic has come up more than once, so if you wish to use a Texaco product MTF 94 OK, but all the major oil companies and oil blenders ie Comma, Rock Oil etc do a similar spec manual transmission fluid. Amsoil say their MTF will replace MTF94 AMSOIL Manual Synchromesh Transmission Fluid 5W-30 discool, Aug 19, 2013 #7 Texaco MTF 94 - 1 litr Rover MTF 94, pro převodovky vozů společnosti Rover Group, Land Rover a Honda Speciální kapalina pro manuální převodovky vyrobená z vysoce kvalitních základových olejů.