Vill du bli en del av vårt team? - Skillbreak


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Ny försäljningschef på Origo Group. Maria Celén-Törnqvist har utsetts till försäljningschef inom den privata sektorn på Origo Group. Hon har de senaste åren haft ledande befattningar inom både industri, research bolag och tech startups, exempelvis som Global researchchef på Husqvarna Group, Nordenchef på Ipsos Connect och CSO på Skillbreak. The Skillbreak team is expanding and has now signed a Marketing Manager and Development Manager in September to advance faster. Skillbreak’s product range is growing rapidly (currently including more than 150 different workshops) and all courses are booked online at

Skillbreak team

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Private group. 45 members. Skillbreak is a platform for creators and life-long learners, making it easy to offer, find  NYHET! – nu utökas och förlängs arbetsgivares möjlighet till skattefri gåva. Vill du som arbetsgivare visa din tacksamhet till personalen, främja teambuilding,  Skillbreak – Skillbreak is a social education platform - View company info, team members, job openings, and more. SkillbreakDePaul University - Charles H. Kellstadt Graduate School of +15 yrs experience from the tech industry building high profile products and teams. Skillbreak är en P2P plattform för kreativa workshops och nu söker vi en person som Du blir en del av ett visionsdrivet team som arbetar för att göra en positiv  Skillbreak är en P2P plattform för kreativa workshops och kurser och nu söker vi Till din hjälp har du ett helt team av flera skillade och hårt arbetande kollegor  Naruto Online Forum photo.

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Matilda Hannäs - CEO - Skillbreak LinkedIn

We’re a small dedicated team of learning lovers always on the hunt for good people. We love learning together and believe it’s the most easy and fun way to learn new things. If you share our ambition and would like to join our growing team, drop us a note at Skillbreak General Information Description.

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Skillbreak team

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Skillbreak team

Skillbreak is the P2P platform for artistic experiences, offering unique, bite-sized and practical learning experiences, held by the most interesting creative experts in Sweden. Currently growing around 10% per month with a high satisfaction score (NPS over 70).
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Hey, thnx for the info, if you want you can upload some wind main teams with kisame. If you share our vision of a more creative and happier world, then reach out to our CFO at or our CEO and founder at As a Co-Founder I'm involved with the business side of the company. As the CTO I am in charge of the development of and managing our tech team. JOIN MY DISCORD : you enjoy~Thanks for watching~Music : Skillbreak är just nu i början på en framgångsrik resa - du kommer bli del av ett litet team med stora ambitioner och med sikte på att skala upp ett bolag som redan har visat en lovande start.

100-tals workshops, kurser och upplevelser ledda av Sveriges främsta experter inom kreativitet, hantverk, konst, design, DYI, lifehacks, keramik och mycket mer. Skillbreak. Skillbreak is a Stockholm-based startup founded in 2017, dedicated to creating opportunities of life-long learning that provide the customers with not only a new set of skills but meaningful social connections and experiences.
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Use the PitchBook Platform to explore the full profile. We’re a small dedicated team of learning lovers always on the hunt for good people. We love learning together and believe it’s the most easy and fun way to learn new things. If you share our ambition and would like to join our growing team, drop us a note at 2018-08-08 enjoy We’re a small dedicated team of learning lovers always on the hunt for good people.

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As a Growth Officer at Skillbreak, you’ll be instrumental in the development of a fast-growing impact-tech company. Currently COO at Skillbreak, the P2P platform for artistic, real-life learning experiences. Leader/ change agent with experience from various roles within B2B and retail, such as Communications Director, Sustainability Manager, HR & Communications Manager and Vice President. Change management, creating structure and processes as well as So yesterday i got kushinas scaling skillbreak and wanted to do a team with her. I think this is gonna be my new everyday team XD. Is super op. Yaguras skill 2018-12-23 2017-12-06 Subscribe To My Channel and Discord for more InfoMy Discord: Facebook: Edo Minato is one of the best ninjas that can be used for anything.

Skillbreak – key info, careers and team Startupmatcher

Skillbreak is the P2P platform for artistic, real-life, social learning experiences. We’re looking for a rock-star Growth Officer, a key player in the Skillbreak growth and success story. As a Growth Officer at Skillbreak, you’ll be instrumental in the development of a fast-growing impact-tech company.

We provide a platform for influencers and creative experts to make money on their skills by offering workshops. Skillbreak General Information Description. Developer of a workshop and skills-building marketplace platform designed to offer bite-sized, practical and joyful learning experiences. Skillbreak founding team.