Niki & The Dove – Tigern och Svanen - Dramaten


Niki & The Dove kommer till Västsvenska Musiker Mot Cancer

Niki & The Dove is a project from Sweden featuring singer-songwriter Malin Dahlström and producer Gustaf Karlöf. Prior to being the front woman, Malin was programming for midaircondo, singing lead in now-defunct rock band The Dora Steins, contributing wispy vocals to various electronic productions, and doing solo shows and performance art all around Sweden under the name Disdishdance. ‎Stockholm's Niki and the Dove craft shadowy electronic pop that falls somewhere between the Knife's eerie atmospheres and Robyn's tuneful hooks. Singer/songwriter Malin Dahlström and keyboardist/guitarist Gustaf Karlöf began working together in February 2010, combining her dark imagery with his fond…. 2011-03-31 · There’s a vulnerability and braveness in the voice of Malin Dahlström, the lead-singing blonder half of Stockholm’s Niki and the Dove.It’s the sound of trying something different and Bandgeschichte. Die Musikerin Malin Dahlström war in einer Danceband und hatte ein Soloprojekt mit dem Namen Disdishdance, bevor sie im Februar 2010 auf Gustaf Karlöf traf und sich mit ihm zu Niki and the Dove zusammenschloss.

Malin dahlström niki and the dove

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Malin Dahlstrom of Niki and  Malin Dahlström från Niki And The Dove och Stefan Storm från Sound Of Arrows gästar på Pearl Fictions nya singeln. Se videon på Zeros sida  Ikväll spelar Niki & The Dove på Debaser Medis. -Och jag heter Malin Dahlström och äter en mjuk pepparkaka av bästa kvalité, härmar Malin  Malin och Gurra chillar som man chillade förr. ALBUM Niki & The Dove ”Everybody's heart is broken now” Genre: Pop. Vem: Malin Dahlström  Niki & The Dove är en indietronicatrio från Stockholm som bildades 2010 av medlemmarna Malin Dahlström, Gustaf Karlöf och Magnus Böqvist  Niki & The Dove består av sångerskan och producenten Malin Dahlström och producenten Gustaf Karlöf. De är en duo inom indietronica-genren  Berlinbaserade koreografen och dansaren Johnny McMillan har arbetat nära Malin Dahlström och Gustaf Karlöf från Niki & The Dove i detta  Magnus Boqvist Malin Dahlstrom and Gustaf Karlof of Nikki and The Dove Malin Dahlstrom of Nikki and The Dove performs on stage during Dot To Dot  Popular Malin Dahlström songs.

Originally the tape was meant to consist only of ballads, but it ended up as something completely different. 2012-11-16 Niki & The Dove are a Swedish indietronica duo from Stockholm, formed in February 2010.

Niki and the Dove: ”Det är viktigt att göra det man känner inuti”

So bigger than yourself, maybe not. But something else. Something, outside yourself, of course. So Niki and the Dove, we have created a band here, and we try to put things into this band, into this name, and we see that it is filling up with things.

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Malin dahlström niki and the dove

As a song that tells the story of what a simple pop track can do to a human, it was a fitting introduction to the band’s outlook on the beauty of music. Malin s vocal has the urgency and vulnerability of epic 60s girl-group pop (The Shangri La's, say) fused to Niki & The Dove's unique version of joyful dance-floor release. Time and again, Instinct follows the same blueprint of intent a blend of tenderness, explosion, hypnosis and exhilaration - but never the same routine. Niki and the Dove - Instinct Album Sampler.

Malin dahlström niki and the dove

Malin Dahlström och Gustaf Karlöf (Niki & the dove) får Skaps Pop-pris. Foto: Emma Svensson. – Det är fantastiskt inspirerande att se en sådan  NIKI & DOVE indietronica duo medverkar på Dramaten 2018. Duon består av Malin Dahlström och Gustaf Karlöf 2018. Tags.
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Malin and Gustaf was first brought together in Gothenburg where they played together in different bands before forming Niki & The Dove in 2010 and releasing the debut single “DJ, Ease My Mind”. As a song that tells the story of what a simple pop track can do to a human, it was a fitting introduction to the band’s outlook on the beauty of music. Malin s vocal has the urgency and vulnerability of epic 60s girl-group pop (The Shangri La's, say) fused to Niki & The Dove's unique version of joyful dance-floor release.

Instagram 2012-05-01 · Niki & The Dove is a band from Stockholm, Sweden with two members, Malin Dahlström and Gustaf Karlöf. Getting together in February 2010, Malin and Gustaf have spent the time since writing together, figuring out just how pop music works and then discovering new ways to break it. Niki and the Dove discography and songs: Music profile for Niki and the Dove, formed February 2010.
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Niki & The Dove, Malin Dahlström. 15.7K · Ode To Dance Floor.

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The background: There is no Niki, and there is no Dove. We don't know much more about this lot except Niki & The Dove är en svensk indietronica-duo från Stockholm, bildad i februari 2010.Musikduon består av sångerskan och producenten Malin Dahlström (musiker) och producenten Gustaf Karlöf.

HiFi Scenen Talks: Niki & The Dove - HiFi Klubben

Malin Dahlström (tracks: A1 to C3, D2 to D3) Notes. Limited "Loser" edition pressed on clear vinyl. Stockholm's Niki and the Dove craft shadowy electronic pop that falls somewhere between the Knife's eerie atmospheres and Robyn's tuneful hooks. Singer/songwriter Malin Dahlström and keyboardist/guitarist Gustaf Karlöf began working together in February 2010, combining her dark imagery with his fondness for sounds ranging from Stravinsky to Eurovision pop.

Loney Dear och en massiv djupdykning i Kate Bush tillsammans med Göteborgssymfonikerna och Malin Dahlström (från Niki & the Dove). Niki & The Dove består av sångerskan och producenten Malin Dahlström och producenten Gustaf Karlöf och gav ut sin första skiva (Instinct)  Niki and the Dove. Songwriters (3). Composer. EL. Elof Loelv. MD. Malin Dahlström. GK. Gustaf Karlöf.