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hand. More meanings for tradere. handover.

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Tradere latin

Förnya vårt arv och förmedla det förnyat). Högskolan i Borås  quin 3 ) oblata occasione 4 ) tuus quondam commilito 5 ) perversum vitæ genus 6 ) tradere cui quem 7 ) quo folus uteretur 8 ) habitaculum sex taleris de anno  Hitta redaktionellt stockfoto på Market traders Latin Village Seven Sisters protest och andra foton i Shutterstocks samling med redaktionella  Memoriae tradere Latin Italienska Översättning och exempel ~ ÖversättningsAPI Om MyMemory Logga in. Mamma Ebe SweSub 1985 Swesub  Contemplata aliis tradere " är en latin fras som översätter till engelska som "att dela till andra frukt av kontemplation." Som härstammar från Summa Theologiae  Consilium mihi ( est ) , pauca de Augusto tradere . Tac . Ann .

Tradere latin

Translation for: 'tradere' in Latin->French dictionary. Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs. Oprindelse fra latin tradere 'overdrage, meddele' Betydninger bringe noget mundtligt eller skriftligt videre til den eller de efterfølgende generationer fx en fortælling, en sang, et sprogligt udtryk eller en skik SPROGBRUG fagligt Conjugation of trādere, tables of all Latin verbs, with passive and participes. The name Tradere (pronounced “trah-dare-ray”) is actually a Latin word that means “to pass on posterity”.The company debuted back in 2012 as one of the first high-end fully stainless steel double-edge safety razors that used a manufacturing process that has become popular today. latin-ancient Redemptio a Filio peracta secundum rationem historiae hominis terrenae — peracta quidem in « abitione » eius per Crucem et Resurrectionem — simul cum tota virtute sua salvifica Spiritui Sancto traditur : « qui de meo accipiet » (40).
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Human translations with examples: deer, manship, do not flee, do not stop, don't laugh, do not tell, don't talk!. Translation API se tradere in inglese Dizionario latino-inglese.
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Guarda gli esempi di traduzione di se tradere nelle frasi, ascolta la pronuncia e impara la grammatica. Latin Dictionary: the best Latin dictionary with a conjugator and a Latin declension tool available online for free! Latin Derivatives - A - abdico, abdicare, abdicavi, abdicatus - to renounce, reject; to disown, disavow abdicate - (tr.) to renounce (office or authority); (intr.) to renounce office or authority: Following the humiliating loss of some 300 ships to the Vandals, Majorian, one of the last of the Roman emperors, was forced to abdicate.

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Definitions, usage examples and translations inside. So goes the beautiful Latin motto of t he Order of Preachers: "Contemplare et contemplata aliis tradere." Silence. Contemplation. To take time out for God, for the sake of God. There is no time of the liturgical year better suited to a focus on contemplation than Lent. Definition of tradition in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of tradition. What does tradition mean?

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second-person singular future passive indicative of trād English words for tradere include handover and hand over. Find more Latin words at wordhippo.com! tradere translation in Latin-English dictionary.

et exinde quaerebat oportunitatem ut eum tradere Latin. tradere huiusmodi Satanae in interitum carnis ut spiritus salvus sit in die Domini Ies  You searched for: tradere (Latin - Kroatiska). API-anrop Latin.