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Panzer Corps Gold is the culmination of a real classic series, an award-winning turn-based strategy game that the press has called “…nothing short of brilliant” and “the spiritual successor to the Panzer General series”, with high rankings and praise around the world. Panzer Corps 2 dedicates more time and effort to looking good than nearly any other game like it, with models and skins to depict near any combination of camouflage and time period there was. Join the corps! Umbrella Corps is a new fast-paced third-person shooter set in the Resident Evil universe. The competitive online game will feature quick, intense matches in compact battle zones themed from historic Resident Evil environments such as an Umbrella Facility map.

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February 15, 2021. Related News. Gaming Corps developed the Book of Pirates slot machine. They have been making games since 2016. In addition to creating beautiful slots any of the best online casinos will love, they also make fun video games for mobile players.

Our focus has never changed. To create a social hobby gaming store which not only meets ALL of a Gamer’s needs, but serves as a positive community hub where ALL people can escape life’s challenges and form life long bonds among new friends and family.

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