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Lena Katina - Lena Katina -

Katina announced in November 2014 that she was 3 1/2 months pregnant with her first child during a concert in Rome. Spouse Name: Sasho Kuzmanović (m. 2013) Children Name: Aleksandr (Son) Lena Katina Relationships History: Sash Kuzma – Musician (2010) Lena Katina Career Highlights: Debut Album with t.A.T.u.: 200 Po Vstrechnoy (2001) Debut Solo Album: This Is Who I Am (2014) First Film: You and I (2011) First TV Show: TRL Italy (2001) Lena Katina Lena Katina, właśc.Jelena Siergiejewna Katina (ros. Елена Сергеевна Катина; ur.

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She started her career at the age of eight, joining the Russian children's act Avenue, then not long after Neposedi. In 1999 Ivan Shapovalov had chosen Lena Katina Lena Katina: biography. Elena Katina is a Russian singer who became internationally popular as a singer of pop group «Tatu». Since 2009 she is performing as a solo artist under the name of Lena Katina and quite popular, especially in the American market.


Lena Katina - Lena Katina -

Help us build our profile of Lena Katina and Sasho Spouse Name: Sasho Kuzmanović (m. 2013) Children Name: Aleksandr (Son) Lena Katina Relationships History: Sash Kuzma – Musician (2010) Lena Katina Career Highlights: Debut Album with t.A.T.u.: 200 Po Vstrechnoy (2001) Debut Solo Album: This Is Who I Am (2014) First Film: You and I (2011) First TV Show: TRL Italy (2001) Lena Katina (2014) and Lyudi Invalidy (2005). Her popular songs are Never ForgetThis Is Who I Am · 2014, Lost in This DanceThis Is Who I Am · 2014 and An InvitationThis Is Who I Am · 2014. Her spouse is Sasho Kuzmanović (m.

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Jelena katina sasho kuzmanović

Az apja a híres zenész, Sergey Katin volt, aki Oroszországban nagy sikereket ért el. Az ő nyomására már 4 éves korától kezdve a showbusinnes-ben volt, először csak különböző sport és zenei klubbok összegyűlésén. Amit tudni kell róla. Elena Sergeevna Katina 1984. október 4.-én született, Moszkvában, Oroszországban.

Jelena katina sasho kuzmanović

Jelena Katina bei einem Konzert in Moskau im Mai 2013 Seit dem Frühjahr 2009 arbeitet Katina verstärkt an ihrer Solokarriere, nachdem die Arbeit am Projekt t.A.T.u. erst vermindert und 2011 letztlich ganz beendet worden war. Lena Katina - Elena Sergeevna Katina (Russian: Елена Сергеевна Катина, born 4 October 1984), better known as Lena Katina, is a Russian singer and songwriter who is best known for her work with Russian duo t.A.T.u. Jelena Sergejewna Katina. August 2013 heiratete Katina den serbisch-slowenischen Musiker Sasho Kuzmanovic (Saša Kuzmanović), mit dem sie bereits seit 2010 liiert war.
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Mai 201 ; Jelena Katina. Auch Jelena Sergejewna Katina versuchte sich mit einer Solo-Karriere und konnte sich im Vergleich zu ihrer Bandkollegin auch im Alleingang Saša Kuzmanović in pevka razpadlega ruskega tandema t.A.T.u Lena Katina sta svojo ljubezen nedavno kronala s sklenitvijo zakona.

She is from Russia. We have estimated Lena Katina's net worth, money, salary, income, and assets.

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Jelena Sergeevna Katina -

A year later, she enrolled to study piano and went on to graduate from Moscow State University. Lena Katina Husband. Katina is married to her long-time boyfriend “Sash Kuzma” (Sasha Kuzmanović).

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Im gleichen Jahr heiratete sie den slowenischen Musiker Sasho Kuzmanović, mit dem Immer wieder tritt Lena Katina in Erscheinung, weil sie sich aktiv für die  Nov 23, 2019 Lena Katina Husband. Katina is married to her long-time boyfriend “Sash Kuzma” (Sasha Kuzmanović). He is also a musician of Serbian and  Lena Katina y sasho Kuzmanović de 2019 el ex cantante del grupo "Tatu" ha emitido un divorcio con su marido, el músico esloveno Saso Kuzmanovic. Family.

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2013) Children Name: Aleksandr (Son) Lena Katina Relationships History: Sash Kuzma – Musician (2010) Lena Katina Career Highlights: Story By: Elena Kalioglo, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News. Russian singer and ex-t.A.T.u vocalist Lena Katina has divorced her husband after … Lena Katina, właśc.Jelena Siergiejewna Katina (ros. Елена Сергеевна Катина; ur. 4 października 1984 w Moskwie) – rosyjska piosenkarka wykonująca muzykę z pogranicza popu i rocka, autorka tekstów, wokalistka duetu t.A.T.u. (razem z Julią Wołkową)..

In 1999 Ivan Shapovalov had chosen Lena Katina Lena Katina: biography. Elena Katina is a Russian singer who became internationally popular as a singer of pop group «Tatu». Since 2009 she is performing as a solo artist under the name of Lena Katina and quite popular, especially in the American market.