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Se aktuell dollarkurs, omvandla SEK till USD. Läs mer om amerikansk dollar, betalningar i USA, drickskultur och den generella prisnivån. Här kan du växla pengar till en annan valuta. Se aktuella valutakurser och beställ valuta online. Växla din valuta hos oss innan du reser! Get free historical data for the USD SEK (US Dollar Swedish Krona) currency pair, viewable in daily, weekly or monthly time intervals.

$ 1 = kr8.42 -0.01 (-0.13%) at the rate on 2021-04-23. The page provides data about today's value of one hundred dollars in Swedish Kronor.

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Convert 100 USD to SEK with real time currency calculator. Accurate US dollar to Swedish Krona conversions, live charts. The US central bank is called the Federal Reserve Bank (commonly referred to as "The Fed"). The USD is the most traded currency in the forex market and can be paired with all other major currencies.

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Vi visar dagens uppdaterade Dollar kurs i direktsändning. USD 100 Dollar (1 USD = 8.3895 SEK) =. 8.3895 SEK Kronor (1 SEK = 0.119285 USD) 1,00 USA-dollar =. 8,46 33623 Svensk krona.

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Convert 100 USD to SEK with real time currency calculator.

You can choose your own time span in the graph from 2012 to today's date.