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This 1,820 square foot house sits on a 1.04 acre lot. 38 Arthur Rd was built in 1969 and last sold for $196,000. Based on Redfin's Hillsborough Township data, we estimate the home's value is $439,180. Built in 1969, this 4-bedroom, 3-bathroom single family house at 38 Arthur Rd, Hillsborough NJ, 08844 is approximately 1,820 square feet and comes with 10 parking spots.
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The 1,563 sq. ft. single-family home is a bed, bath property. This home was built in 1969 and last sold on for. View more property details, sales history and Zestimate data on Zillow. We found 23 address and 23 property on Arthur Rd in Hillsborough, NJ. The average price for real estate on Arthur Rd is $364,930.
26 Arthur Rd Hillsborough, NJ 08844 (Off Market) Home Value Estimates Price History Recently Sold Homes Get Home Value Updates.
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This home was built in 1966 and last sold on 7/27/2015 for $375,000. Homes for sale ‘by owner’ are often the best value in any neighborhood.
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2006-01-26, 16:38 Andrew är farm laborer hos Alfred Olander i New London Township, Kandiyohi Last Residence: 33568 Riverview, Hillsborough, Florida, United OpenStreetMap. Default View (MOB) Masters of Branding Network (PID) Paint is Dead Network 3M Authorized Vehicle Wrappers (UK) 3M Preferred (Individual FL, USA, 30 Mile Brewing Co · Old Saybrook, CT, USA, 38 Special · Crystal Falls, Arthur Latham Park · Millington, MI, USA, Arthur O. Fisher Park · Dayton, OH, USA, Blair Township Community Park · Grawn, MI, USA, Blake Street Tavern CA, USA, Hiller Park · Biloxi, MS, USA, Hillsborough Golf Club · Hillsborough, "While I was still in California, I was presented to Dr. William. Valentiner, Director of the Dimitroff, Arthur S. Niendorf, Ernst Halberstadt, Andres Sanchez Flores), Intelligentsia 1917-1941 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 1978).
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23 records found for Arthur Rd, Hillsborough, NJ 08844. 33 Arthur Rd , Hillsborough, NJ 08844-2604 is currently not for sale. The 1,563 sq. ft.
The annual taxes is $. 6,026.83.The total assessment value of the property is $263,000.The land was assessed at $141,500 and the improvements to the property were assessed at $121,500.The Deed for . 2310 CAMPLAIN ROAD is filed with the County Clerk in Book … Compare Attorneys in Hillsborough, NJ. 390 Amwell Rd. Hillsborough, NJ 08844. 34. Epstein Arlen. Attorneys General Practice Attorneys Legal Service Plans (908) 874-6222. 38.