
R-934B - EW vehicle, fitted with an automated system to jam aircraft VHF/UHF communications. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s Infobox Weapon|is_vehicle=yes name=MT-LBu caption= R-381T «Taran» armored SIGINT set - R-381T1: interceptor station - R-381T2: direction finding station - R-381T3: control vehicle _____ R-381T3 “Taran 3” - control vehicle for the T1 and T2 (x1). R-412B - divisional tropospheric relay station, fitted with two parabolic antennas R-133 and a generator GAB-8-T/230. R-439BG "Legenda-2BG" - mobile SatCom station. R-934B - EW vehicle, fitted with an automated system to jam aircraft VHF/UHF communications. Zobacz, co sylwia (jurekslupski) odkrył(a) na Pintereście — największej na świecie kolekcji pomysłów.


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3 ?R32G12. (1) where the first positive term is a surface energy cost 2GAB=1.4782&0.302T+2.0947T2&4.381T3+2.5633T4&0.47718T5 . Oxford. Brar, D.S., R. Dalmacio, R. Elloran, R. Aggarwal, R. Angeles, and G.S. Khush, 1996. 'Gene Maher 381, T-3, HR59, HBC5, HBC45. HBC = Haryana  3 R = gas constant, 0.335835 ft - psia/lb m - R P = pressure, psia 3 . .6137 5 9tl 00222 1 39032 1 ,6t87 5 719 00213 1 381t3 1 .6855 5 510 00201* 1 37211 1   In: Girӑo, R. Três documentos do Ceará Colonial.

R-412B «Torf» — mobilna stanica za komunikaciju u troposfesri.

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3, 4. Körper walzenförmig. Schild fast dreieckig, Mittelfeld von 3 —5 meist  Pamiętniki Wilczków z r. 1640–1714 Oprac. R. Pollak. Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy.


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R-381T3 – ASIP automatiserad databehandlingsstation; 4 st. R-381T2 – Signalspaningsenhet för identifiering av fiendens VHF-radio (30-100 MHz) 2 st. R-381T1 – Signalspaningsenhet för identifiering av fiendens HF-radio (1,5-30 MHz), fientligt flygs VHF-radio (100-400 MHz) och radioreläkommunikation (300-1000 MHz)

R-934B - EW vehicle, fitted with an automated system to jam aircraft VHF/UHF communications. Infobox Weapon|is_vehicle=yes name=MT-LBu caption= 14. März 2021 R-381T3 "Taran 3" - Kontrollfahrzeug für T1 und T2 (× 1).
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38103. 3/ 3103. 3E11(J3. 313103 .i.!Jl03. :31:1131. 3tH2,1. 3BOE:.l .:.IJOG 1.

Warszawa: Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy.